Nan’s Bio

“A Fairy Godmother…”

Nan’s clients call her their Fairy Godmother. An“exceptionally powerful healer” with “uncanny X-Ray Vision” who has “the voice of an angel that makes me melt”. Through 27 years of huge ups and downs in life and fortune, Nan has become a Master of Energy – emotion, mind and manifestation. On a mission to activate the highest vibration of healing power within through her Mystical Arts Healing Academy, Sacred Site & Dolphin Healing Retreats and books, she helps you discover the fastest path to create your reality and live the life your Soul Intended.

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Nan’s Special Offer

Awaken the Power of Your Soul Purpose…

“I’ll Guide you in 5 Sacred Energy Activations – Attune Your Lightbody to Abundance &
Open the Flow to More Love – Money – Health – Happiness…”

Heal your Past – Clear Karma – Transform Blocks – Live Your Fully Funded Mission

    Awakening Your Lightbody!

    Clear Unconscious Karmic Patterns
    Activate Your Purpose, Prosperity & Passion!

    Activate the One Tool to Shape Your Life to Match Your Dreams…

    Activate Your Soul Purpose & Power in Your Lightbody!

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    Module 1 - Awaken Your Lightbody

    Soul Recovery and Integration

    • Consciously Connect to your Subtle Energy Bodies and learn the power stored in your Sacred Geometry
    • Reconnect the Parts of You that have been silenced, hiding or locked away & reclaim your Divine Power.
    • Awaken Your Passion for your Life Purpose and Prepare for the next step in your Soul’s Evolution.
    • Lightbody Activation #1 – Awaken & Integrate

    Module 2 - Heal Your Lightbody

    Transform Unconscious Patterns and Release Optimal Health

    • Heal past, parents, and pain at the core level
    • Transmute originating events that created dis-ease
    • Find your Vibrational Frequency of Optimal Health
    • Lightbody Activation #2 – Restore & Reconnect

    Module 3 - Clear Your Lightbody

    Complete Karmic Attachments & Past Life Agreements

    • Uncover and clear Karmic Patterns that no longer Serve your Soul’s path & Align with your Truth
    • Dismantle patterns that are stuck and keep you in cycles of lack, frustration and procrastination…
    • Transform Subconscious Agreements stopping you
    • Lightbody Activation #3 – Clear and Transform

    Module 4 - Rejuvenate Your Lightbody

    Unleash Your Abundance &
    Your Prosperous Nature

    • Clear and open your Abundance channels
    • Unlock Your Multi-Dimensional Nature and ability to communicate and create from all your senses with all forms of life
    • “Read” your life – Decipher the Underlying meaning
    • Lightbody Activation #4 – Abundance Activation

    Module 5 - Activate Your Lightbody

    Unlock Your Purpose and Clear Soul Communication

    • Unlock Your Soul Triggers & Follow your Bliss
    • Access your Spiritual Blueprint/Map to Live Your Purpose. Unlock your missions, Soul signatures
    • Unlock Your Multi-Dimensional Nature and ability to communicate/create with all senses & all forms of life
    • Lightbody Activation #5 – Open the channels & Activate the whole lightbody


    Each Module includes Energy & Light Attunements, Healings & Activations
    and recordings of All.

    • You will learn or enhance tools that are key to your manifesting skills and ability to live not only happy and prosperous and purposefully, but also create the impact you desire and dream of.
    • Creative Visualization: unlock your imagination and set it free
    • MIndsets for Success and how to rewire your subconscious mind for the success your Soul intended
    • Activations edited & encoded to use as you desire

    Get This And All Other Speaker Recordings to Add to Your Library

    Only $67

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