Sara’s Bio
Sara Landon is a globally celebrated transformational leader, spiritual teacher, visionary entrepreneur, and channel of The Council. The Council is an energetic presence of non-physical beings whose intention is to assist humanity in reaching new levels of expanded awareness and higher-level consciousness. Together, Sara and The Council are fueling spiritual growth and personal transformation all around the world, leading the way for evolutionary advancements in human
potential and the acceleration of unity consciousness.
Sara’s Special Offer
Why are you here, at this time, the spiritual being that you are, having THIS human experience?
Have you ever wished there was a GUIDE or a class to help you navigate this human experience you are having?
You chose this life for a reason! How do you ensure this grand adventure is everything you intended it to be?
These are important questions, and that is why Sara Landon & The Council have created The Manuals For Mastering The Human Experience!
You came into this life experience with a powerful purpose. You knew that you were an
unlimited force of powerful Source Energy, focused in physical form, for the purpose of your
own growth, expansion, and expression. And, most importantly, you knew that continuous joy,
happiness, health, wealth, peace, and love were inherently available to you in every moment.
Once you understand how to master your human experience, your life will be filled with more
joy, success, love, and happiness than you ever thought possible.
Join Sara Landon & The Council on a journey to master your human experience and become
everything you are meant to be!
Step Guides for manifesting health, wealth, love, happiness and The New Earth.
The Manuals are being celebrated as the next evolution of transformational tools.
Begin today to master YOUR human experience!
Manual 1 – Manifest Your Soul’s Desires: Become Who You Are Meant To Be
Four-Part, Self-Paced, Online Transformational Series & BONUS eBook
MP3 Audio Format, plus eBook – Four-part series, each one hour plus in duration (4+ hours)
Discover Your Soul’s Ultimate Purpose & Manifest Your Soul’s Desires.
Your desires are meant to expand you and are an important part of your life experience. In fact, they are your life experience! You are capable of living a life of joy, purpose, meaning, and abundance when you are aligned with the desires of your soul. When you are tuned into your soul’s desires, life becomes really fun for you.
Learn how to tune into your unique soul’s desires, how to determine if a desire is a soul desire or a human desire, and how to break free from the limitations that hold you back from living a life of deep joy, purpose, meaning, and abundance, aligned with your soul’s desires. Then, the fun begins as you start allowing your life to unfold in perfect harmony with your soul’s desires. Guaranteed to be fun, exciting, transformational, and life-changing!
Manual 2 – Manifest The Love You Want: Relationships, Self-Love, & Finding The One
Three-Part, Self-Paced, Online Transformational Series
MP3 audio format – Three-part series, each one hour plus in duration (3+ hours)
Are you ready for more LOVE in your life? Do you want a conscious, loving, harmonious relationship?
What is the secret to true love and happiness?
Learn how to create harmonious relationships, cultivate greater levels of self-love, and manifest the love you want.
Discover how to be your best self
in your relationships and bring out the best self in others. Also, understand vibrational resonance and how it affects every relationship you have. This powerful series will help you transform and heal any
relationship in your life. Plus, you will receive new information on soul mates, sacred contracts, and finding your kindred souls.
Manual 3- MANIFESTING PERFECT HEALTH: Revitalize, Heal, & Transform Your Amazing Body
Three-Part, Self-Paced, Online, Transformational Series
MP3 audio format – Three-part series, each seventy-five minutes in duration (Approximately 4 hours)
Do you want to heal your body of pain, disease, and illness? Are you feeling sluggish, tired, or depressed? Or maybe you are ready to release excess weight and transform your body to your ideal weight. The Council will inspire you to heal, transform, and revitalize your amazing body! Plus, learn how to achieve optimal health and wellness to live a vibrant life, how to identify and release the real causes behind pain and disease, and new anti-aging and weight loss techniques.
Three-Part, Self-Paced, Online, Transformational Series
MP3 audio format – Three-part series, each seventy-five minutes in duration (Approximately 4 hours)
Is it time to receive greater levels of abundance, wealth, and prosperity in your life? Are you ready for a NEW PERSPECTIVE about money that could change your life? Do you want to access your vibrational escrow account filled with an infinite supply of money, prosperity, and financial abundance? If so, you must understand the spiritual laws of WEALTH and how to tap into INFINITE SUPPLY! The Council will give you the powerful processes, tools, and techniques you need to Tap Into YOUR Wealth, Abundance, & Infinite Supply and create ALL THE MONEY you need and more!
Manual 5: Manifesting The New Earth & Accelerating The Great Awakening
Three-Part, Self-Paced, Online, Transformational Series
MP3 audio format – Three-part series, each seventy-five minutes in duration (Approximately 4 hours)
This powerful, transformational, life-changing workshop includes the wisdom and teachings to guide you step-by-step to your highest ascension and accelerate your awakening. Your GREAT AWAKENING plays a critical role in The Great Awakening of Humanity that is beginning a new stage of evolutionary expansion. All of this is leading to the Manifestation of The New Earth. The Council shares the path and process forward and what we must do in our everyday lives to create The New Earth and accelerate The Great Awakening.
A Special Gift Just For YOU, $50 Off Discount On A Private Session with The Council
How do you put into words an experience that has the potential to change your life forever? Sessions with The Council have been described as, “the single most important hour of my life,” “life-changing and profound,” “the most incredible gift of an entire life,” “exactly what I needed,” and “not word worthy to describe.” However you explain it, a session with The Council promises to be transformational, insightful, and the vibrational opportunity of a lifetime. Perhaps – like nothing you
have experienced before!
Private Session Coupon Code: Shivany50OFF
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