Meet Phyliss Francis

Phyliss Francis, MA CLC PCC is an inspiring Business Coach and Speaker. For over 20 years, Phyliss has been coaching and leading educational and motivational programs for entrepreneurs, executives, coaches and visionaries. She has extensive experience in the areas of business, personal growth, leadership and spirituality. Phyliss believes people can shift their mindset, up-level their consciousness and align an inspired action plan for success. Phyliss is a faculty member of two International Coach Federation (ICF)-accredited coach training programs, a Professional Certified Coach and ICF-Mentor Coach. Her system supports people to master your mind, maximize your success!

Get Phyliss's Gift
MindShift Experience 30-day Calendar to shift your mindset and create real change.

Ready to go to the next level?

I’ve created a super special bundle that is designed to help you find out your unique gifts so your life and business will be aligned and ready to take you to new levels of success!

This collection will help you become 100% crystal clear on your next steps.

This bundle has a value of more than $600 and as a special offer it's yours for just $67 dollars!


Here’s what you’ll get:

The Mind Power Technology Video

Created specifically for you to remember and live your purpose, this 15-minute mind movie is designed to work deeply through your subconscious, reprogramming any thought process that is holding you back and shifting you into powerful manifestation mode!
($45 in value)

Your Personal Akashic Record Reading

Usually not offered as a stand-alone, this is a priceless piece of information; essentially a tool to help you navigate your purpose on this earth, using information derived from your soul’s record since the beginning of time!
($300 in value)

Your Soul's Map Integration Call

A coaching Soul Map Integration call with me focused on how to integrate the gifts we discover into your life right now.  During our coaching call together, we’ll hone in on any current limitations or setbacks. We’ll get to the bottom of the obstacles that have been limiting your potential and you’ll experience powerful shifts towards clarity, confidence and empowerment!
($300 in value)

Lifetime Access To This Interview Series

Get UNLIMITED ACCESS to this entire Business As Divine Self Expression interview series. Yours to watch wherever and whenever you like.
($97 in value)

If you’re finally ready to peel back the layers and find out who you are and what you are meant for at the deepest Soul level, this is the perfect way to start to thoroughly understand your purpose and your Soul’s calling.

Rise above anything that has been setting you back.

Master ways to live your authentic Soul identity in practical, real-life application.

Step one is gathering information from your SOUL, hearing, heeding it and stepping into the life you were meant to live!

Shivany is an expert on personal and spiritual transformation, integrating the ancient wisdom of the Akashic records with modern practices to support ambitious women in success with their soul-aligned business.
