Schedule Your ‘Live Your Soul’s Calling’ Breakthrough Session
2 Simple Steps …
STEP ONE: Schedule
STEP TWO: Complete Pre-Call Questionnaire
If you don’t have time to fill this out right now, don’t worry … skip it for now.
However, to get the most out of our time together,
you will need to complete this questionnaire beforehand.
What You’ll Get From this Session
What is it you want to accomplish? What is the best way to get it?
What’s been stopping you from getting what you want or being where you want to be? What is the best way you can overcome those challenges? Sometimes solutions are so close you can’t see them.
Once we’re clear on where you want to go and what’s standing in your way of getting there, we’ll explore the next best steps for you to get there.
What Others are Saying
My new business has continued to grow month after month with Shivany’s healings and guidance and my outlook on life has changed so much.
The mental blocks and fears I had about starting my business of am I good enough, what if it fails, can I do it, should I risk it, the uncertainty of not having a regular income that I was always accustomed to have all been cleared and I am on the way to having a successful business.
It’s not just in my business life that I have experienced changes, all the above has paved the way for a totally different outlook on life and what it has to offer and so my personal life has benefited as well. It’s not about being better than anyone else, it’s about being a better man than I was.
Gratitude to you, Shivany, and I look forward to continue working with you over the next 6 months.
I am a small business owner of Boutique Couples accommodation in Australia. The last 4 years have been excruciating. I so desperately wanted to stop doing what I was doing. I wanted to run away. I HATED WHAT I WAS DOING AND I HATED WHO I WAS BECAUSE OF IT.
I was searching for a way, a reason, a hope to change my situation and I had run out of juice.
Thanks to all Shivany’s work, uncovering my ‘Divine Blue Print’ and cracking my unique Spiritual Wealth Code my energy flows again. The stronger I get, the more I let it flow and the more I let it flow the stronger I get.
I asked the Universe for help and it gave me Shivany – honest, light, mischievous, knowing, committed, and challenging and a seriously profoundly gifted energetic healer. She has been a Midwife to me, allowing the birth of ME, helping me to align my business to ME. My life is simple now. I can now take 3 months off and still make great money! I LOVE MYSELF and everything else flows from that!
About Shivany