Wondering what your purpose might be??

I’ve created a special summit collection and gift bundle to provide a jump start and help you become 100% crystal clear on your next steps.

This bundle has a value of more than $600 but as a special offer its yours for just $97 dollars!

Here’s what you’ll get:

The Mind Power Technology Video

Created specifically for you to remember and live your purpose, this 15 min mind movie is designed to work deeply through your subconscious, reprogramming any thought process that is holding you back and shifting you into powerful manifestation mode! ($45 in value)

Your Personal Akashic Record reading: Divine Gifts and Life lesson

Usually not offered as a stand-alone, this is a priceless piece of information- essentially a tool to help you navigate your purpose on this earth, using information derived from your soul’s record since the beginning of time!  ($300 in value)

A coaching Soul Map Integration call with me

Focused on how to integrate the gifts we discover into your life right now. ($300 in value)

If you’re finally ready to peel back the layers and find out who you are and what you are meant for at the deepest Soul level, this is the perfect way to start to thoroughly understand your purpose and your Soul’s calling.

During our coaching call together, we’ll hone in on any current limitations or setbacks. We’ll get to the bottom of the obstacles that have been limiting your potential and you’ll experience powerful shifts towards clarity, confidence and empowerment!

Rise above anything that has been setting you back.

Master ways to live your authentic Soul identity in practical, real-life application.

Step one is gathering information from your SOUL, hearing, heeding it and stepping into the life you were meant to live!

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This is what other people had to say once they have received their personal reading:

Oh my Goodness! I am totally amazed! This resonates with me so much. Thank you! Highly, Highly recommend!


Bring the balloons and popcorn! This was, without any doubt, THE BEST thing I have read for a LOOONG time! This could be my parents talking to me or someone who knew me VERY well (better than myself). Cannot tell how much I appreciate this! Awesome!


My session with Shivany was a deep and astonishing revelation. I met Shivany in the midst of some personal shake-ups and I was blown away by the insights she shared. Everything finally made sense! She is truly gifted and SO generous. I feel blessed to have met her. And more than that, I feel stronger and more equipped to handle anything that comes my way!

Gina Hussar, Brand Alignment and Copy Writing Consultant, Certified Mind Mastery Coach

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